CALL OR TEXT: 250-860-7147
COVID-19 Protocols to Ensure Health & Safety
We are excited to confirm that we have been given the authorization to resume practice from the PHO, Worksafe BC, and the College of Massage Therapists of BC. To ensure the health and safety of our patients and therapists, we have new protocols and guidelines that must be followed.
The restoration of RMT services requires clear and thoughtful communication that is based on trust between an RMT and a patient.
Online self-assessment tool: vid19/en
Patients are asked to arrive unaccompanied, 5 minutes before your appointment time. New patients will be offered to complete paperwork prior to arrival or may do it in the treatment room at the appointment. The time spent on paperwork will now be included in your treatment time in order to avoid multiple patients in the office at once. You will be required to print it and bring it with you.
Patients are required to wear face masks that cover both the nose and mouth from the time they enter the building until they leave through the main building doors.
The therapist will wear a face mask at all times while working with a patient and vinyl gloves upon request.
Patients are required to wait either outside the building doors or within the building foyer and maintain a 2-meter distance from other building patrons. The RMT will come down to get the patient and escort them to the clinic via the elevator. The RMT will operate the elevator and open/close the clinic door.
The therapist will advise the patient of her current daily results from the online BC COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment Tool.
The therapist and the patient will both maintain a space of 2 meters (6 feet) between each other in all clinic areas that are outside the treatment room.
Sanitizer and tissue are available at the reception desk and in each treatment room. Please sanitize your hands upon arrival and departure and use tissue as a barrier to high-touch surfaces.
We will be opening and closing treatment room doors for patients to ensure no cross-contamination. Post-treatment, patients can use provided tissue to exit the treatment room.
Patients will be provided a sanitized container to place all belongings into during the treatment.
Payment occurs in the reception area. A wireless Point of Sale (POS) is available for card use. In the event that this does not work, an invoice may be emailed to the patient in order that they pay it online. The POS machine will be sanitized between each patient.
Patients and RMT must strictly adhere to a “No face touching policy”.
The therapist will wash hands and arms up to the elbow thoroughly for at least 20 seconds between patients, before and after disinfecting spaces, before donning PPE and after taking it off, after touching common surfaces, as well as any other time it is needed.
All high-touch surfaces and common areas will be cleaned and disinfected between patients as well as before and after shift. High touch surfaces include, but are not limited to:
Light switches, doors and doorknobs, POS machines, electronic devices, table surfaces, chairs, stools, window coverings, faucets, treatment tables, face cradle, lotion/oil bottle, hard surfaces in the treatment room, and reception counter.
All linens, including blankets and pillowcases, are single-use only and will be laundered using high heat, detergent, and bleach between each use.
No thermophores, table warmers, or plush table cover will be used unless they are under a table cover that can be disinfected after each appointment.
There is a public restroom available that is maintained by the building management. The massage clinic is not responsible for the maintenance of the public washroom.
Liability Insurance
The therapist carries professional liability insurance through Wilson M. Beck as provided through the Registered Massage Therapist Association of BC.
The therapist is following all the health and safety guidelines outlined by the Registered Massage Therapists Association of BC, the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia, and the Provincial Health Officer. They are taking all reasonable precautions to clean and disinfect the clinic and all the surfaces within the treatment room.
No guarantees or promises have been made by the therapist that the patient may not come in contact with COVID-19 at or during an appointment.
In the Event That the Therapist Comes Into Close Contact With Someone Showing Signs of Illness or Tests Positive for Covid-19:
The therapist will immediately self-isolate.
All massage therapy appointments will be cancelled, and the therapist will cease to provide services until:
The close contact has been tested for Covid-19, and the results proved negative, and the therapist is well,
OR after self-isolating for 14 days and having no symptoms of fever develop,
OR being cleared by a public health official.
Asymptomatic transmission of the coronavirus is an unavoidable risk of practice until we’ve acquired immunity or there is an effective treatment or vaccine against COVID-19.
We have put into place protocols to help mitigate that risk.
No guarantees or promises have been made by the therapist that the patient may not come in contact with COVID-19 at or during an appointment.